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Islamic Terrorism

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Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Also Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee The Beginning, Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day Five, Day Six, Day Seven, Day Eight, Day Nine, Day Ten, Day Eleven, Day Twelve, Day Thirteen, Day Fourteen, Day Fifteen, Day Sixteen, Day Seventeen, Day Eighteen, Day […]

WE At OMC Radio TV, Ordo Militaris Inc and Ordo Militaris Catholicus recognize the rights of the Christians of the Republic of Artsakh to self determination, independence and liberty. We condemn in the strongest terms the Azeri government, for the the Genocide begun today by the military forces of the Azerbaijani against the innocent residents […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Please JOIN The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Tomorrow, we will speak about Father Hamel’s Martyrdom and then go through how France has not learned the lesson that was given to France when he was martyred.  […]

Please Watch and Share Our Programs! Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee In today’s program, we will begin part two of France Burning and who is behind it. Gérald Darmanin Moussa Ouakid   Views: 12875

Please Watch and Share Our Programs Please Join and Donate To The Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee ISIS terrorists plotting ‘big attack’ on UK soil as spies uncover chilling plans OSS: The Predecessor Of The CIA OSS/CIA Trained By MI6 ‘CIA created ISIS’, says Julian Assange as Wikileaks releases […]

Please Share Our Programs Please Join and Support OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Join Ordo Militaris Catholicus Europe Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On YouTube Watch On Odysee Over 800 arrested across France in 3rd night of riots since fatal police shooting Huge explosion in the northern suburb of Saint-Gratien in Paris. pic.twitter.com/UcAZT3qt7J […]