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Month: June 2021

I want to thank all of you who have supported Ordo Militaris Radio TV monetarily and also with your subscriptions. To all those who have given 10 to 25 dollars, thank you so much. To those who have given 50 dollars or more, thank you for this generous donation. To our new subscribers on YouTube, […]

Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee As we finished up about the End Of Time, now we read about the Beginning Of Time and how and why things came into being & why God created things as He did. This will be Part One and Vision One, Plus we will go through […]

In this episode, we will hear Our Lord talk to His Father, in Episode 2, we heard directly from God The Father, now we will hear God The Son talk to God The Father and then hear about Enoch and Elias being killed and few other things.   Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Please […]

Episode 2 Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Now, we begin to see and hear the doctrine of the Antichrist himself, even his own words; however Our Blessed Lord allowed this Doctor Of The Church & Saint to see and witness this.  We must know these dark things in order to bring them out to […]

Episode One   Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee We will begin to talk about how the heretics and apostates & others will start to rise, then we will begin to speak on how he will be born. This will be a long but important series. I will be reading from Saint Hildegard Von Bingen’s […]

This Is From Last Night On The Ingram Angle Click Photo To Read Operation Lock Step By The Rockefeller Foundation Views: 8835