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Month: November 2021

Back On February 16th 2021 we read from Father Pierre-Jean De Smet’s Letters      Again, We Welcome The Catholic Native American Tribes To Join Us https://catholicpartyforamerica.com/ Partido Catolico Por America https://partidocatolico.wordpress.com/ Views: 1173

We introduced you to the first man who gave the world The Spirit Of Vatican Two, Now We Will Tell You Who Got It To Be Spread and Used and Believed.

We get into the continuation of Time Inc International; AKA; The CIA’s attack and then meet their next agent, Richard Cardinal Cushings Of Boston.     Watch Part One Click To Get The Book: 990 Pages: $59.00 Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV   Views: 26351

In this editorial, I continue with our shows on exposing the Doctrinal Warfare Program, from a book I’m reading and it shows how evil the Americanist Bishops were and what we Eastern Catholics still face today

Watch Part One, Part Two, Part Three Watch The Battle To Defend The Church In Session Two Click To Get The Book: 990 Pages: $59.00     Views: 17739

  Watch Part One, Part Two, Part Three We will be focusing on three chapters: Chapter Ninety-Four “Defining Liberal Catholicism” Chapter Ninety-Five “Murray To The Rescue” Chapter Ninety-Six “Pope Paul Is Concerned About Doctrine” Vatican II Diaries Of Monsignor Joseph Clifford Fenton Click To Get The Book: 990 Pages: $59.00   Views: 19423

In Part Three, We Begin To Look At How The First Session Of The Second Vatican Council Was Conducted Behind The Scenes, It will shock you, but Truth does shock you. All the inside details, meetings you never heard about or were told about.  See Part One, Part Two     YouTube Bitchute   Meet […]

This is Part Two, where we are telling you all the secret history that is setting up Vatican II and now we are going to look at how the Press Situation was setup. Please See Part One Part Three     Click Image To Get This Book: 990 Pages: Hard Back: $59 Dollars   Please […]

  This Is Part One, Where We Tell You The Meetings Before The Council, Meetings Of The American Financial Elite, CD Jackson’s personal meeting with John XXIII and his other notes.  See Part Two  See Part Three Meet Dora Jane Hamblin aka Dottie Please Watch and See The U.S. Government Telegram Regarding The “Election” Of […]

Our Next Set Of Programs Gets Into The Psychological Warfare Program and The Main People Behind It In Government.     Our First Two We Will Talk About Is A Man Called CD Jackson; Charles Douglas Jackson He also was the founder of the Bilderberg Meeting Group Then, We Talk About John McCloy President Of […]