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Month: May 2021

We will be covering the first chapter in Lviv Ukraine Chapter 1 is where she is an Art History Professor At Lwow University and then the Soviet Union invades during World War Two go through what she and her adopted children went through. Part Two Part Three You Can Still Get A Copy From Thrift […]

Watch On Rumble   Watch On Odysee   In Our First Program The Oxford Conspiracy Against America   Where we introduce you to the Grandfather Of This Whole Deep State, Secret Society Thing Going On, But what really got things in motion was the Father Of This, A Lecturer From Oxford, John Ruskin. He is […]

Watch On YouTube Watch On Odysee   Watch On Rumble We will tell the life story of my forgotten relative and lay flowers at her tomb. Duchess Karolina Lanckoronska How she found our uncle’s tomb, King Boleslaw II; the king who gave Poland their first Saint and Martyr, Bishop Saint Stanislaus   Photos Taken At […]

To Invest, Go Here: Ordo Militaris Inc. Offers 1 Million Shares For Sale   Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   Watch On YouTube Views: 4036

  Watch On Rumble Watch On YouTube Watch Odysee Views: 4164

Br. Alexis Bugnolo was attacked and targeted with a group of people by the Police Of Rome and here is his first English Statements on what happened last night in Rome.  More To Come Later. Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Watch On YouTube Views: 1460