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Month: September 2022

Update I have regained my Twitter Account and Please Keep Sharing This, Because I know it will happen again. Last Night, I replied to this tweet that the traitor and his wife should be put to death, for selling sensitive medical information of our Special Operations Force, including those who work in secret, Delta Force, […]

Watch The Original Watch On Odysee Watch On Rumble Today, we tell you about The Saint Patrick Battalion who formed right off the boat from Ireland and was enlisted into the U.S. Army to fight against Mexico, but their Catholic Faith was more important and paid a great price for it. There Is A Movie, […]

With All The New People Learning About Us, We Will Do This Refresher Video   Learn About The First Anti-Masonic Party Washington Warned: Illuminati Infiltrating American Revolution Proof George Washington Was Not A Mason Come Visit Our Website and Our Website For Hispanic Americans   Views: 3727

Watch The Original   Watch On Odysee Watch On Rumble, Maybe   We will go through who the real Giorgia Meloni, after her Masonic Party won in Italy. If you want to know the who-who was at the 2021 Aspen Institute Forum with Giorgia Meloni, when she joined, click Welcoming Remarks: 2021 Aspen Security Forum […]

  I will go into greater detail than our two short videos, I’m so on fire right now after watching the documentary I linked down below. Part One: Armenia Is In Need Of All Hands On Deck Part Two: Time For A Restoration Of Armenia Please Read: Armenia Is A Hostage Of Russia and Definitely […]

Where Are The Christians & People Of Good Will At? We Can Not Sit Idly By and Let Armenia, The Most Ancient Christian Nation On Earth Be Genocided Into Non-Existence, Click The Banner & Donate Today! Please Watch All Our Programs On The Bank For International Settlements What Goes On At The Secretive Meetings? What […]

I will share what the current Political Party Ruling Armenia Thinks Of Armenia and It’s Christian Heritage and give my few cents as one of the last members of the Bagratuni Dynasty. Pashinyan’s Civil Contract MP Hovik Aghazaryan wants to turn #Armenia‘s democracy back the SSR days, he said: “An 18-year-old boy no longer belongs […]

  Please Be Generous and Click Image To Donate Please Read: Armenia Is A Hostage Of Russia & Definitely Not An Ally! Please Read This Letter To Armenians By ALAN NASIF   Views: 568

  Please See Part One In Part Two, the finale of the book, we will see how even though the Citadel cracked to let loose these secrets of World War Two, they strengthen to hide what they are doing now. Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   Please Watch All Our Programs On The Bank […]

It is the beginning of the end of the book.  When we saw in the News all the former SS guards being sent back to Germany for trial, the early to mid 2000s, we will see what happened to the Bank For International Settlements regarding it’s dark, satanic, murderous past.  In Part Two, the finale […]