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Month: October 2021

Our Second Episode Of This Will Be Longer Than The First Episode, I want to share with you all the thinking of John Courtney Murray and let Br. Alexis break this down for us all. It is in this program you will learn why the Catholic Church in America is Protestantized, Why we hear all […]

Next Week, We Will Get More Into The Biltimore Conference and the ideology of John Courtney Murray and his life story.     Click To Get The Book: $59 Dollars, Excellent Hard Back. 990 Pages Long. Image Of John Courtney Murray From America Magazine  Ordination Information Of John Courtney Murray is hidden on normal searches, […]

In our next show on Traitor Priests, we learn how Henry Luce sets the foundation for him to get John Courtney Murray to be his theologian for Americanism.

Our Next Programs Will Be Eye Opening and Damning For The Church In America We will learn the Priests and Bishops Of America are Agents Of The U.S. Government and The CYO Program is a Governmental Program That Spies & Spread Propaganda and so is Our Sunday Visitor. More Will Be Revealed.     Exposing […]

In our next installment is Archbishop Gibbons and Archbishop Ireland.  Both were made to appear friends of Christ and the Church; whom the Trads adore.  But, we will expose them for who they are, enemies of Christ!     Click To Get The Book   Gibbons Coat Of Arms Views: 40788

Now, we introduce you to Luce’s wife, Clare Boothe Luce If you thought Mr. Luce was a piece of work and piece of dirt, you haven’t seen nothing yet.   Click To Get The Book Views: 19325