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Month: December 2020

Br. Alexis misspoke, instead of saying 16th Amendment, he should of said the 14th Amendment  Everything here we speak about is 100% Legal 1. Different Forms Of Resistance 2. Getting Your Local Government and State Governments To Remain For Liberty 3. Following The Law 4. Ways Of Raising A Constitutional Militia and How It Is […]

Our First Of Two Programs Listen On Mixcloud Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Bitchute Views: 3899

Today, I point out in short ways, how the Catholic Party For America is totally different and how our ideas are totally different than those in Government and of the current Political Parties. Regarding Israel, Please See This Show: Who Is Supplying Arms Against Armenia and Artsakh? Regarding The 1874 Constitutional Convention, Please See This […]

Today we speak about the need here in America to be faithful to Jesus Christ and to the Founding Fathers who was loyal to Him and wanted Our Lord to be part of the country and in the government. To Join The Party Faithful To Jesus Christ and The Founding Fathers, Click Join Catholic Party […]

Watch On YouTube Watch On Bitchute Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee To Read The Speech Of Samuel Adams, Please Go Here http://www.samuel-adams-heritage.com/documents/massachusetts-ratifying-convention-speeches.html To Read The American Crisis By Thomas Paine, Please Go Here https://thefederalistpapers.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/The-American-Crisis-by-Thomas-Paine-.pdf Movie Produced and Created By CyberLink Director Suite 365 Power Director, Music Used Is Licensed For Me To Use Through CyberLink and […]

Awesome Information Our 47th Governor Revealed About Laura Kelly The Historic Brookville Hotel In Abilene closed due to her Covid Tyrannies, this hotel was open and operating before Kansas became a State.  The Town Marshal, Wild Bill Hickok also came there, so did numerous gun fighters. It survived the Wild West and The Civil War, […]

Please Share All Our Programs Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Click To Donate & Support Ordo Militaris Catholicus Europe’s Youth Camp   Watch The Original       Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee YouTube Has Suspended Our Channel On This Video We are going to break this entire new sector of […]

Questions We Talk About and Ask What Is The New Boston Tea Party? Should We Do Another Suffolk Resolves and Setup Another Provincial Congress To Restore The Nation? What Is The New Intolerable Acts? Read About The Original Boston Tea Party Any Real Patriots In Kansas, Join Sons Of Liberty Kansas Chapter Join The New […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On Bitchute: They Banned It After 66 Views Watch It On Odysee   Watch The Program On Rumble   All Things Looked Bleak Today, The Electoral College Would Give Votes That Was Stolen From The American People To A Fraud and Cheat, Then The State Republicans […]

Watch Today’s Program On Odysee Watch Today’s Program On Bitchute   John Roberts    Clerked First For Henry Friendly – Wikipedia and look at his law partner is, George Ball, a bilderburger guy. Also look at Henry’s Law Professor, an Austrian. Then William Rehnquist – Wikipedia who is a Air Force Veteran, goes into weather in Oklahoma, […]