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Month: November 2020

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On YouTube Massacre in extremist-ravaged northeast Nigeria kills at least 110 EU: New Pact on Migration and Asylum Bribed: Subverting American Universities Court Validates Child Rape: Persecution of Christians, October 2020 Click To Make A Donation and Support Ordo Militaris Radio TV To Send In A […]

Listen To Today’s Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program   Watch The Program On Bitchute Watch The Program On Odysee In those 17 programs exposing the Deep State, this will be even more nuclear against the Deep State and it will shake them to their core.  It is public record and record of fired FBI […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On YouTube Watch The Program On Bitchute We all know our only Catholic President was no altar boy, he served with valor and bravery in saving his crew of PT-109 in the Pacific Theater in World War Two with a broken back; which would never properly […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On Odysee   Deep Events and the CIA’s Global Drug Connection by Professor Peter Dale Scott James Angleton’s Dangerous CIA Legacy  Click Book Cover To Get A Copy Of The Book On The Seal Of The CIA It states it is in the Public Domain and […]

Learn How Pius XII protected the War Criminals Of The Ustase Read More About It In This Excellent Book: Pius XII, The Holocaust and The Cold War by Michael Phayer   Listen On Mixcloud Watch On Odysee Please See The Previous Show In This Series On The Vatican Bank Views: 420

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch The Program On YouTube Watch The Program On Bitchute “Whenever any form of government becomes destructive of these ends [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness] it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government…” Thomas Jefferson “You know, comrades,” […]

Listen To The Program On Mixcloud Watch On YouTube Watch On Bitchute Watch On Odysee Watch On Rumble The last days of Lesser Armenia or the County Of Edessa Armenia will be told, it is forgotten history and being a direct descendant to the Count Of Edessa and King of Jerusalem, Baldwin I; we should […]

Monday Got on to setup Monday’s program and noticed how silent the news about Terrorism has been for a week.  Either demonstrations against the Vaccine or Lock Downs in Denmark and Germany and Italy, then Stop The Steal Rallies In America. Even Antifa/BLM is somewhat silent, shows you how most Terrorism News is caused by […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Support Our Immediate Need For Equipment Support Our Server Upgrade    WATCH The Original Watch On Odysee   Listen On Mixcloud Watch On Bitchute Has the Finances Of The Vatican always been a mess or is this something new?  Their history is a dark one, […]

Please Share Our Programs Please Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Platform Watch The Program On Odysee Watch The Program On Bitchute MI5 drew first blood in hacking our video on Bitchute yesterday, so we fire right back at them on Drummer Lee James Rigby and strange things about his death that do not add […]