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Who Is Charles Douglas Jackson and John McCloy?

Written by on November 3, 2021

Our Next Set Of Programs Gets Into The Psychological Warfare Program and The Main People Behind It In Government.



Our First Two We Will Talk About Is A Man Called CD Jackson; Charles Douglas Jackson

He also was the founder of the Bilderberg Meeting Group

Then, We Talk About John McCloy

President Of The World Bank, Governor/Ruler Of All Postwar Germany, Worked With I.G. Farben, Chairman of Chase Manhattan Bank, Chairman Of Council Of Foreign Relations.

Meet his son, John Jay McCloy II

“Manager Brown Brothers Harriman & Company, New York City, 1962-1976. General manager Middle East Finance Consultant Associate, Munich, 1976-1980. Manager Brown Brothers Harriman & Company, New York City, 1980-1981.

President Josip Juraj McCloy Inc., 1981-1984. Vice president McConnel & Miller Inc., Greenwich, Connecticut, 1984-1986. Chairman Noise Cancellation Technologies Incorporated, New York York City, since 1986.

Trustee American University, Cairo, Egypt, since 1968, American Council in Germany, New York City, 1981-1986, Uganda Wildlife Heritage Fund Ltd., since 1992. Board directors Sound Shore Fund, Greenwich, The Atlantic Council of the United States.”

Membership “1st Lieutenant United States Army, 1960-1962. Member Council on Foreign Relations, American Council on Germany.” 


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