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In Part Two, we will get into the Chemical War Criminal Trials and MacArthur’s run for the White House & how the Korean War Began.

Episode 1Episode 2Episode 3Episode 4, Prelude To World War Two, Episode 5Episode 6, Episode 7, Episode 8, Episode 9

Now, we will get into everything that happened when General MacArthur took command of the entire Island Of Japan and if he let war criminals go free or was he not even allowed a say & who was controlling the Operation Paperclip Of Japan.

Our Proof MacArthur did not take part:

who at the time was controlling these War Criminals their documents? OSS soon to be the CIA, State Department. The same men who in a few months will have MacArthur fired & cause Vatican II

Even the National Archive Website says this about the documents

The Words Of MacArthur On The War Crimes Trials

Watch: Summer Of 1976 and Wojtyla’s Recruitment To The CIA

Again, Thank You Amanda, Director Of The General Douglas MacArthur Museum To Giving Us Permission

Visit Their Website MacArthur Memorial

They Also Do Their Own Podcast, Please Take A Listen

Click Image To Buy A Copy Of General MacArthur’s Memoirs!

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