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Christian Party

Page: 6

Where Are The Christians & People Of Good Will At? We Can Not Sit Idly By and Let Armenia, The Most Ancient Christian Nation On Earth Be Genocided Into Non-Existence, Click The Banner & Donate Today! Please Watch All Our Programs On The Bank For International Settlements What Goes On At The Secretive Meetings? What […]

I will share what the current Political Party Ruling Armenia Thinks Of Armenia and It’s Christian Heritage and give my few cents as one of the last members of the Bagratuni Dynasty. Pashinyan’s Civil Contract MP Hovik Aghazaryan wants to turn #Armenia‘s democracy back the SSR days, he said: “An 18-year-old boy no longer belongs […]

  Please Be Generous and Click Image To Donate Please Read: Armenia Is A Hostage Of Russia & Definitely Not An Ally! Please Read This Letter To Armenians By ALAN NASIF   Views: 568

  Please See Part One In Part Two, the finale of the book, we will see how even though the Citadel cracked to let loose these secrets of World War Two, they strengthen to hide what they are doing now. Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   Please Watch All Our Programs On The Bank […]

It is the beginning of the end of the book.  When we saw in the News all the former SS guards being sent back to Germany for trial, the early to mid 2000s, we will see what happened to the Bank For International Settlements regarding it’s dark, satanic, murderous past.  In Part Two, the finale […]

Republished From Vstrokax In English In the photo, the Russian-Turkish military in eternal brotherhood • 1724 June 12 – K. According to the Russian-Turkish treaty signed in Constantinople, the Russians recognized Eastern Armenia and Eastern Georgia as an integral part of the Ottoman Empire. At the same time, the Armenians of Artsakh were urged to continue […]

I’ll be doing a video on this so I won’t have to use my bad hand to write it all out. Watch On Rumble Watch On Bitchute Watch On Odysee   By their fame, they could of acted as Ambassadors for Armenia and Armenians in America, helping better the nation and the poorest areas of […]

On Monday, we will share how Czechoslovakia came to an end without a firing of a shot. It is fascinating but horrifying the power of the Bank For International Settlements has and why we should fear it & why it needs to be shut down. Watch On Bitchute Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Please […]

Please Enjoy Br. Alexis’ Video Recording Of The Presentation Of The Battle of Las Navas de Tolosa, which is from the National Spanish Museum Of The Army.   You can read more about it here: The Battle Of Las Navas de Tolosa Views: 259

Here Br. Alexis Brings Us Along To The Knights Templar Museum Of Toledo Spain Views: 609