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Christian Party

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Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch Odysee We will discuss the problems with the 1962 Missal and then we will dive into the REAL Latin Masses Of Pope St. Pius V and Blessed Pope Gregory VII. The History Of The Tridentine Mass Sacramentary The Use Of Sarum Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fund […]

We are not doing this documentary, it is being released by Stew Peter and we are helping promote it.    Views: 555

We will be going back to our program of December 30 2020 and now see how right we were in that program. Watch Today’s Program Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Please Watch That Program If you want to fight this and help restore America back to our Christian Founding Views: 5928

Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee   On Our Program Of October 10th 2022, Christian Politics, What It Is & What It Is Not, Has Been A Huge Hit On Rumble, but not so on Odysee. While Yes, we do have another OMC Radio TV Program scheduled, it is Political Season and Need To Press […]

Watch Part One Watch Part Two Watch Part One On Rumble Watch Part Two On Rumble Watch Part One On Odysee Watch Part Two On Odysee Watch Our Previous Program: Talking Points For All To See There is this Political Action Committee Called ‘Catholic Vote‘ and from their name you would assume they are truly […]

It is nearing the Holidays, on November 15, Advent begins in Ukraine and so many homes, families, churches have nothing and are in ruin. Where our guys go with the liberating force to bring in the supplies for the towns, horrors not seen since the 2nd World War of gold teeth in boxes, implements of […]

      Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee    Please Read The Real Truth Of Armenia’s Relations With Russia Learn About Armenia and Their Being Taken Hostage By Russia My Previous Videos For Armenia  Message To Armenians In The West Armenia Is In Need Of All Hands On Deck For It […]

Watch The Original Watch On Odysee Watch On Rumble Today, we tell you about The Saint Patrick Battalion who formed right off the boat from Ireland and was enlisted into the U.S. Army to fight against Mexico, but their Catholic Faith was more important and paid a great price for it. There Is A Movie, […]

With All The New People Learning About Us, We Will Do This Refresher Video   Learn About The First Anti-Masonic Party Washington Warned: Illuminati Infiltrating American Revolution Proof George Washington Was Not A Mason Come Visit Our Website and Our Website For Hispanic Americans   Views: 3727

  I will go into greater detail than our two short videos, I’m so on fire right now after watching the documentary I linked down below. Part One: Armenia Is In Need Of All Hands On Deck Part Two: Time For A Restoration Of Armenia Please Read: Armenia Is A Hostage Of Russia and Definitely […]