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What We Will Be Speaking On

From Gloria TV

From Gateway Pundit

The wrong people are cheering these people on.  People connected to Christendom College; aka CIA & Skull and Bones and Catholics connected to Oxford or Fabian Socialists 

We Then Will Share More About SSPX and Their Connection To French Military Intelligence

We Will Be Speaking About The Stabbing Of The Bishop In Australia



Watch Our Other Programs

The Oxford Conspiracy Against America

The Pilgrim Society: The Plan For World Domination

Is Parler A Deep State Operation

Time To Take Down The Pedo Network Inside The Traditionalist Circle

Is The SSPX A Gladio Operation?

The Real Story Of Rene Lefebvre: The Untold Story

About The Images

Image Of Bozell & Buckley 1954 by Los Angeles Daily News: License To Use CC BY 4.0 DEED

Image Of Rothschild Coat Of Arms by Mathieu CHAINE – Own work, some elements by SodacanKatepanomegasAdelbrechtHeralderMadboy74 and Nanin7 Graphic   

License To Use CC BY-SA 3.0 DEED

Views: 13679

Reader's opinions
  1. Sue   On   April 26, 2024 at 7:51 pm

    Thank you both for all that you do to spread the truth. I look forward to watching and am sending a donation in thanks. God bless you both.

  2. Steve KNIGHT   On   April 27, 2024 at 2:13 pm

    Wow! What a truly great programme…….which “connects so many dots” that I shall have to watch it again in order to properly absorb everything!

    Dominus vobiscum.
    Christus vincit;
    Christus regnat;
    Christus imperat.

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