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In this program, we will speak at length about how the World Economic Forum and the Central Banks with the BIS as it’s lead to rape our global economy and replace it with a crypto currency they control.

How the WEF plans to steal all your money & replace them with CBDC

Central Bank Digital Currency

Read The Legal Tender Case
Page 451

Private Currency

On Congress’ Coinage Power

Private Money in our Past, Present, and Future

Public Acts Of The 37th Congress July 4th 1861

“Where the law of 1862, July 17th speaks of the prohibition only against bills less than $1 in value”

Watch Our Programs On The BIS


Click Image To Learn About Ordo Militaris Catholicus’ Palladium Notes


Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Views: 15974

Reader's opinions
  1. John   On   February 15, 2024 at 1:38 pm

    Hi AJ

    The WEF published in January of 2023 that a WW cyber attack would occur within 2 years. That is by January 2025. Not sure how much credence we should give it…. but so far they make these predictions so that we go along with them and become complicit.

    What do you think? Do you se 2025 as the year? Remember there was also the 2025 Deagel population reduction forecast.



  2. AJ Baalman   On   February 18, 2024 at 6:52 am

    and my reply is, “The document you cite is a private legal interpretation and has no binding force or legal value. You can see this by reading the footnotes it cites for its position, none of which prove the claim. Yes, Congress does assert its authority — not constitutionally founded — to limit the circulation of notes denominated in US Dollars not issued by its authority. — But that is not a reference to private currency, but to Bank Notes that were issued by private banks in US Dollars from just after the Revolution until about the 1890s — Private Currencies are legal in the USA so long as they are NOT denominated in US Dollars. “As you can see from this article, private currencies have always been legal in the USA. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Private_currency

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