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Catholics Need To Have A Devotion To Saint Michael The Archangel

Written by on September 9, 2020

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We will talk on the very first learning about Saint Michael and the Apparitions of him.  Then, we will speak on some things that might seem crazy to many, even to many Catholics who have forgotten the Supernatural side of our Faith and no longer believe in the Devil and why we Catholics must have a devotion to Saint Michael to protect us.

Pray and Make The Act Of Consecration To Saint Michael The Archangel


Learn About The Devotion To Saint Michael In This Free PDF
Devotion To Saint Michael

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Reader's opinions
  1. Michelle Mailloux   On   September 29, 2022 at 11:33 am

    I reverted back to the faith almost 7 years ago, and in the very beginning of my reversion I called my dad and asked him if we could go for a walk and talk. We went, and I told him that I was returning to Christ and His Church and that we’d been so deceived for decades now, that the Church hierarchy was infiltrated by Masons, that there aren’t many paths that lead to Heaven, and that Jesus Christ is Truly the Only Way to Heaven and He only established the Catholic Church, outside of which there is no salvation. I told him that we have to get really serious about our salvation (he agreed). I just went on about Jesus (happily so) and guess what happened that night when I got home? I was watching TV (which I quit doing shortly after my reversion because I found it repulsive!), and because I was so exhausted, fell asleep, only to be awakened by the evil one or one of his minions choking me! I could not see anything but knew instantly what was going on (they were so angry, no doubt, about my conversation with my father). I couldn’t breath; I was startled, as was the person sitting at the other end of the couch who witnessed it. I told him that it was a demonic attack. I was pretty sure, by the look on his face, that he believed me, though he would not admit it.

    Anyway, I had some other things happen to me (that were frightening) years prior to that incident that actually did scare me away from following Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God for His grace, mercy, and patience with me.

    Finally, without getting into details (because I’ve gone on enough!), God made it very clear to me with signs, that a devotion to St. Michael is very, very important.
    St. Michael, pray for us!

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