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Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser With Br. Alexis, next week, we will discuss what the European Federalists are wanting to do to the European Union and what will it mean if all nations of Europe lose their sovereignty? Click Image To Read The News About It […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On YouTube Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Click To Watch On Gab Archbishop John Ireland hated ethnic parishes and Americanized the parishes in the United States.  We covered him and Archbishop Gibbons in great detail in our program exposing those […]

Monday, December 18th 2023 Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Please Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In this program, we will read from the writings of our Catholic Founding Father, Charles Carroll of Carrollton and how his committee went about setting up our true Christian form of Government and how some states […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser In this program, I want to show how different it was in the past compared to how it is in the future, when there were sexual deviants and predators in the Vatican and how it was cleaned out and restored, compared […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join In The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee If we are going to understand the problems we’ve gotten ourselves into today, we must go back to the source of the man who helped to brain wash all of us […]

Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee  Watch Our Very First Video Exposing The Globalist Plan: Exposing The Scamdemic First Published At From Rome dot Info Also Published At From Rome Info  In this program, we will talk on what […]

This Show Will Be Sometime After November 18 to let me read my cousin, John Quincy Adams’ memoirs Please Watch and Share All Our Programs Join In The Studio Fundraiser For Ordo Militaris Radio TV In this program, Br. Alexis will take us to Quincy and I hope we can do a show right outside […]

Join The Studio Fundraiser Of Ordo Militaris Radio TV   Issues With Br. Alexis Bugnolo and Ordo Militaris Catholicus Br. Alexis’ Response To Fr. Schneider  Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Why Do Christians Need Their Own Security, Why Christians Need Their Own Special Operations, Why Christians Need Their Own Army, Their Own Military Training […]

BE GENEROUS & DONATE TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee The Beginning, Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day Five, Day Six, Day Seven, Day Eight, Day Nine, Day Ten, Day Eleven, Day Twelve, Day Thirteen, Day Fourteen, Day […]

BE GENEROUS & DONATE TO HELP THE FORCIBLY DISPLACED CITIZENS OF ARTSAKH JOIN The Armenian Relief Fundraiser: All Funds will be sent to official charities helping the citizens of Artsakh! Click To Donate Via Buy Me A Coffee The Beginning, Day One, Day Two, Day Three, Day Four, Day Five, Day Six, Day Seven, Day Eight, Day Nine, Day Ten, Day Eleven, Day Twelve, Day Thirteen, Day Fourteen, Day Fifteen, Day […]