The Globalists Are Following Their Plans
Written by AJ Baalman on November 10, 2023
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First Published At From Rome dot Info
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In this program, we will talk on what is happening to the people in the European Union and how this will be used to push it in the United States and what should be done to fight it or can we fight it? Also we will talk about the Linkedin News/Wall Street Journal Report On The Depopulation Of America.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Views: 1936
Sue On November 14, 2023 at 8:13 pm
Thank you AJ and Brother for a most informative show. So many of the people I know are really starting to catch on to what is going on. Many who took the jab and were under the spell have woken up and are beginning to see through all of the lies they are being fed. Bless you both for all you do.