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Since the War broke out in Ukraine & the weird and very demonic reaction to us wanting to help Christians in Ukraine & now, it has become a clear that it is a Mental Illness affecting a good number of people.




Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

Views: 9081

Reader's opinions
  1. Robbi   On   May 13, 2022 at 11:53 am

    Absolutely correct…People are delusional to believe Putin to be a ‘Savior’ in resistance to the west with all it’s delusional thinking concerning sexuality, Gender, CRT, abortion and plethora other sin now upheld by the hierarchy of the Catholic Church.

    As rotten as Russia and Putin are…There’s no holding any candle in comparison to the Chinese, Iran, N. Korea and with the intent to Financially BREAK the United States and depleting the Military and morale as they are…The U.S. will NOT be able to defend ourselves or allies. It’s ALL intentional by ‘The WEF/CCP Cabal’ prostitute politicians GUILTY OF HIGH TREASON and their masters; The Billionaire Corporatists.

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