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Three Year Anniversary Of The Death Of Lt. Colonel Beltrame

Written by on March 23, 2021

Brother Alexis Misspoke when saying it was 2019 for the Martyrdom Of Colonel Beltrame



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From The Description Of The First Memorial Video On Lt. Colonel Betrame:

“According to Regina Magazine Facebook page:

“Lt Col Beltrame offered himself in exchange for a hostage held by a [Salafist] terrorist gunman in a Carcassone, France supermarket yesterday. He was fatally injured, and died of his wounds in the arms of his fiancee. They had been preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony at a traditional Abbey in the area.”

And again:

“The French police officer who gave his life in exchange for a hostage held by a 25 year old [Salafist] terrorist yesterday was a practicing Catholic associated with this Abbey (Abbaye des Chanoines de Lagrasse). He was preparing for the Sacrament of Matrimony there and the Abbot came to his deathbed, along with his fiancee. They wanted to be married but he lost consciousness about an hour before he died.”

More On His Wikipedia Page

Today, The Third Anniversary Of The Colonel’s Martyrdom, Another Police Officer Joins Him In Heaven As A Martyr For The Faith At The Hands Of Another Muslim Attacker

See The Obituary Of Officer Eric Talley

See ATF Under Trump That Allowed This To Happen

On The Gun Store Where The Rifle Was Purchased

What Happened In Boulder

Meet The Killer Of Officer Eric Talley

Image Of Arnaud Beltrame is by Gendarmerie Nationale, France
License To Use Image: Creative Commons-Attribution-ShareALike 4.0 International

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