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Help Us To Expose Evil Without Worry Of Censorship

Written by on January 16, 2021

Today’s Video

So many YouTube “Catholic” Talking Heads giving their idea of truth and spinning in a way to not offend their big donors, same with many big name “Catholic” news websites, but they do it to get a pay check.

We will tell you the truth without watering it down or spinning it, we will tell you flat out and not deceive you.  We do what we do for free, any donations received go into equipment and with all the threats of censorship, it is time to be able to do our shows without needing platforms that will censor us.

To Do That, Please Help Us By Making A Donation:

Mail In Donation, by Addressing Check To Ordo Militaris Catholicus and in the Memo Section Writing: Ordo Militaris Radio TV

Mail This Donation To
Ordo Militaris, Inc.
302 N. Last Chance Gulch, Suite 409
Helena, MT, 59601

On Making A Donation Via Electronically, Please See Our Support Page

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