Refuting The Criticism Ordo Militaris Catholicus Has Received
Written by AJ Baalman on October 27, 2023
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Both I and Br. Alexis will go through all the criticism we have received over the years and be able to share this video when the Order is attacked in the Future.
We will talk about how the AI used to control the search engines are now switching every month to either be positive about the Order and then next month it will switch and send the attackers against us.
Also, we will speak about the credit rating of the Order.
We will refute the claim that we are not transparent about the Order’s finance and why we don’t propose operations in Syria, China, Mexico or Israel.
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Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
Views: 123
Mazara On October 27, 2023 at 7:12 pm
Seems to be a lot of rivalry among traditional Catholic bloggers,which is very unbecoming.One of the names you mentioned was advertising hand made rosary beads,saying these are not like the cheap tacky rosary beads consider how many millions of poor people pray on plastic beads do they really think God values the beads more then the prayers said on them.I never watched his show again. The criticism is probably because you highlight the plight of persecuted Christians ,it draws attention to the fact they do not.
Steve KNIGHT On October 28, 2023 at 2:33 pm
Excellent show! Thank you so much for exposing much of the unjustified criticism, calumny, defamation etc that you have received over the last few years. I will be commencing a monthly donation to Ordo Militaris Catholicus within the next few days.
Dominus vobiscum.