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Investment Drive

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Please WATCH and SHARE All Our Programs Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Join The Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser About The Show: In this program, I interview Br. Alexis about the new layout of the website at Ordo Militaris Catholicus and how it is more accessible for those on mobile and easier to navigate […]

Views: 9958

  In this program, we will discuss how our Ukrainian Non-Profit would like to setup a military hospital to help the Christian Soldiers defending Ukraine who need medical help and help in recovery. Click the images at the top or bottom to make a donation.   wounded soldiers in hospital photo: license to use image: […]

In this program, we will push our Stock Offering and help you understand that when you invest, you help us be able to get land to invest in and create our PMC base to help train recruits who will then go and defend Christians around the world, legally and lawfully.     Views: 91

Watch The Original Watch On Rumble Watch On Odysee Watch On YouTube Image By Carlos Delgado and License To Use Image Is CC By SA 3.0ES Deed Views: 493

The Fundraisers The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Immediate Studio Equipment Fundraiser To our benefactors, I want to thank you for your support for the Apostolate in your donations either for equipment or for the studio fundraiser; so we can build a proper studio and try to get around the censors. We are around 6,000 […]

Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser   Why Do Christians Need Their Own Security : Why Christians Need Their Own Special Operations : Why Christians Need Their Own Army : Their Own Military Training Centers : Why They Need Their Own Military Academies : Why We Need To Return To Christian Towns : Why We Need To […]

Support The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser   Why Do Christians Need Their Own Security, Why Christians Need Their Own Special Operations, Why Christians Need Their Own Army, Their Own Military Training Centers, Why They Need Their Own Military Academies, Why We Need To Return To Christian Towns, Why We Need To Return To Christian Banking, What Is A Private Military […]

Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser   Why Do Christians Need Their Own Security, Why Christians Need Their Own Special Operations, Why Christians Need Their Own Army, Their Own Military Training Centers, Why They Need Their Own Military Academies, Why We Need To Return To Christian Towns, Why We Need To Return To Christian Banking, What Is A Private Military […]

Join The OMC Radio TV Studio Fundraiser Why Do Christians Need Their Own Security, Why Christians Need Their Own Special Operations, Why Christians Need Their Own Army, Their Own Military Training Centers, Why They Need Their Own Military Academies, Why We Need To Return To Christian Towns, Why We Need To Return To Christian Banking We will talk about the Crusader […]